Learninig And Development

Our global workforce carry a vast array of opinions and perspectives, and we are proud of the diverse and inclusive culture that we foster at Greenworks as an integral value we live by every day. We are particularly proud of the learning and development environment we have created for our people to help them grow and thrive in their work, and to become independent, critical thinkers. “Grooming people from within” means offering staff continuous training and development opportunities, ensuring success in both their current roles and their future endeavors.

As a Greenworks Employee, your personal development is just that: personal. We value you and your unique talent. It’s all about getting your best, so we can do the best for our clients, colleagues and community. That's why we offer the innovative solutions you need to support and inspire you.

These include a Lifetime Learning and Development Curriculum based on a consistent, world-leading practice approach to leadership development. This grows our talent, fostering the next generation of leaders through a distinctive experience that drives optimal performance.

We build your learning and development program around who you are and how you learn, your unique abilities and ambitions. Your options range from personal coaching to an extensive suite of programs and learning solutions offered by our Learning & Development team. You’ll be guided and inspired by experts on your lifelong learning journey. We make sure we’re in touch with your ambitions at every stage, and hope you'll share the knowledge you learn, inspiring the next generation.

Making an impact with mutual support from others

Advice and feedback from your coach and teammates will play a big part in your development. Your coach will be a committed companion on your learning journey. Together, you’ll set your goals and plan your career. And, because your coach will be an experienced professional, they’ll inspire you to achieve your ambitions. Your development goals will be based on your role, level and business function, but it’s the path you set with your coach that will shape the leader you'll become.

Opportunities to grow

Thanks to the Learning & Development team, you can link your performance review and next-step learning with just a few clicks. Greenworks empowers you to chart your own learning journey. Whether its building competencies, advancing your career or enriching your existing role, we offer you ample resources and opportunities.

A learning-driven Greenworks content curation system, which uses artificial intelligence to create personalized learning experiences, will change the way you learn, forming a combination of social collaboration and your personalized learning library. You will have access to all the learning resources available at Greenworks, while collaborating with colleagues from across the Greenworks, regardless of geography, level or businesses. You will have access to a range of web-based l and classroom learning. Some will help you develop as part of the firm. Others will grow your leadership skills. All of them will count towards your learning target.

All our learning and development programs use innovative delivery platforms and the most advanced technology. They include structured learning modules, virtual sessions, idea exchange and networking, mobility opportunities and participation in strategic projects.

Innovating together

We live in a constantly evolving digital, robotic and automated world. To stay close to the very latest developments, and show our advanced knowledge in conversations with clients, our agile learning resources increase your digital and analytics expertise, as well as build familiarity with our market-leading innovative products and services.

Learning by doing

Learning by doing'—making an impact on live projects—is one of the best ways to learn. You’ll be guided, challenged and supported by experts who'll share their knowledge and encourage you to contribute your ideas. Our online portal also facilitates connections with colleagues to tap their extensive, diverse experience.

MT Program

Our Management Trainee Program provides a path of accelerated development. This structured fast-track opportunity extends across a range of functions, involving rotation through departments along our vertically integrated supply chain and throughout our global operations, including research and development, sales and merchandising, manufacturing operations and corporate functions.